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What is a “no-knock” warrant? A no-knock warrant is a search warrant authorizing police officers to enter certain premises without first knocking and announcing their presence or purpose prior to entering the property. Such warrants are issued where an entry in accordance with the knock-and-announce rule (ie. an announcement prior to entry) would lead to the destruction of the objects…

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Why You Should Vote

Participating in elections is one of the key freedoms of American life. Many people in countries around the world do not have the same freedom, nor did many Americans in centuries past. No matter what you believe or whom you support, it is important to exercise your rights. Vote to Allocate Federal Money to this Region. This revenue can be…

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Should I Vote Democrat

Should I Vote for Democrat? I know you’re irate about the condition of our nation. You’re stressed over your future, stressed over your work status, stressed over our public obligation. And you ought to be! Be that as it may, before this outrage and anxiety makes you indiscriminately vote in favor of any new political face or—more awful yet—pass on…

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Should I Vote Republican?

Should I Vote Republicans? The presidential elections are at our doorstep. Each political race is promoted as basic to the fate of America, however this one most doubtlessly is. Will we give a can-do Congress to this can-do president or will we lock Washington into gridlock and hardliner ideas? Corporate and singular tax breaks have had any kind of effect…

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